Friday, August 17, 2007

What's been happnin'...(cont.)

by the way, I had a 2nd surgery to remove a few screws from my ankle because that's what caused the infection supposedly. So you see the screws on the bottom of my x-ray? Those aren't there anymore, so now I just have this big dent in my ankle that keeps scabbing over. Lovely eh?
This is the day I almost threw up, especially when she started peeling the skin off and all this blood started spewing everywhere and my leg started convulsing uncontrollably and I kicked my nurse in the nose and she started bleeding and, and, just kidding that didn't really happen, but it was kind of nasty when she started peeling off the skin where the giant blood blister had been.

Little life lessons I've learned from this experience:

1. wives are very handy, you should get you one if you don't have one, mom's are pretty helpful too, not that I'm comparing my wife to my mom, ok this is getting weird.

2. wear dirtbike boots when riding a dirtbike

3. get health insurance, even when you think you don't need it
4. get plenty of fiber in your diet, being constipated is NOT fun
5. pain medicine is great!

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