Don't Read this one first, read the one below this one first.
Here are a couple of pictures from that fateful day that changed my life FOOOREEEEVERRRRR!!!
Anyways to make a long story short, I was in A LOT of pain for the first few weeks and I
couldn't move around much and I had to keep my leg propped up on a billion pillows constantly.
I got to play a lot of video games and watch a lot of movies though.
Now that I'm out of the splint and off the crutches, my life has gotten a lot better. I had to go to the Dr.'s office about every two weeks at first, but then it slowed down to once a month and now I'm finally done seeing the Dr.'s!!! Isn't that exciting?! I don't have a bone infection anymore and I can work about 15 hrs. a week now!
Oh, by the way, I graduated from college too during all of this. I had to take two classes, sweet. One was online and the other was photography, piece of cake! I had my first 4.0 semester ever!
I applied for a substitute teaching job here in A.I.S.D. and I have my orientation tomorrow at 8:45. I'm hoping they won't need me too bad once school starts because, due to recent beliefs or rumors, yes my leg still hurts. Yes, even though there is no infection, it still gives me trouble, especially my ankle if it gets in certain position.
I apologize for this sporadic writing, I'm trying to remember things that happened almost 8 months ago, gimme a break, no pun intended, yet....nevermind.
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