Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007!

It's Sarah....
Well, this year we didn't have a ghoulish party, it just cost way too much ghoulish money! Instead we stayed at home and handed out candy to trick or treaters! It's our first time as a couple! I bought three bags too many of candy and will now be obliged to eat said three bags of candy all by terrible (sarcasm!)
My costume this year was a Texas ranger, yeehaw! I had a pearl snap shirt, jeans, and a badge (the badge was even made of metal, I went all out!) Here are some pictures of our porch, jack'o'lanterns and myself in my costume (Zach was a scrooge and didn't dress up :P)

1 comment:

Jess said...

Yeehaw! Nice costume...Yay for Texas Rangers! We didn't end up doing anything for Halloween this year...with everything going on, we just weren't up for it. I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas decorating though! :)