Thursday, September 27, 2007

Texas Pledge of Allegiance

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I've been spending time with my in-laws and painting my house, with A LOT of help from John, and starting substituting, so I'm a little preoccuppied with other things besides blogging (sorry). The house is a mess and the yard is a jungle, ya know, b/c of my foot, but the painting is almost done. Once I get caught up, I'll post some before and after pictures of the house and let you know who all helped me complete this HUGE task with many many thanks that are way over due.

Oh yeah, before I forget. My family and I were having a discussion about the Texas Pledge of Allegiance. Well here it is, straight from the classroom...

Texas Pledge of Allegiance:
Honor the Texas Flag
I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,
one state under God,
one and indivisible.

weird huh?

p.s.: sorry for any misunderstading this may have caused.
also, the comment was removed due to a revision in this blog causing the statement to become inapplicable. Future posts are permissable.

tah-tah for now

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